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It is our love to reach out to the''spiritually lost'' with the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

believing that Salvation is found only in Him.

We reach out through street evangelism and we connect, as far as possible,

with local Bible believing churches for the ongoing work of the

Holy Spirit in the lives of

new believers.

Gospel comes first

Our strategy in all of this.

The boards or the tracts can initiate conversations with people on the streets.


Since it's obvious that dialogues vary and we might never speak to the individual again, we try to bring the conversation to the ''Gospel Message'' as soon as we can


The various tracts are obtained from different sources and are handed out without charge.


Since we started this ministry we have come up with three types of boards with many different designs available, all with scriptures on them; we normally have them on when doing the work of an evangelist. We preach the Good News on the street as led by the Holy Spirit.


Letter box evangelism is straightfoward hand posting tracts door to door. We encourage new evangelists to do any of the above, according to their confidence.




Pete Unsworth felt the 'call' to wear sandwich boards in the centre of Peterborough in 2019. The Open Air Mission had been witnessing weekly for a number of years in the same city centre. A large number of this team were mainly from Leicestershire while others were from Peterborough.


Pete answered his calling from the Lord, despite his old age and unashamed of the Word of God printed on his sandwich boards, off he went and started doing evangelism in this town. He did this outreach three times in a week for a couple months and eventually one Saturday he was joined by Evans Owusu, a brother who is originally from Ghana.

Eventually God started sending in more evangelists to Peterborough with a huge hunger for reaching out to the lost and a similar mindset of doing it in the street, or wherever else the Lord leads.


Pastor George Khun from South Africa and his companion christian brother Peter Kurdziel from Poland came in touch with Pete and by God's grace they swapped contacts. At this point God was gathering his soldiers for the Street Evangelist UK. Later on, in autumn 2021, sister Hawa Akinmade from Sierra Leone, sister Adeolu Atanda from Nigeria and other members of their church joined hands with Pete Unsworth in the work of street evangelism. At this point this group of Bible believing christians saw the need to find a means to remain connected so that the information concerning the Peterborough outreach can easily be coordinated, therefore a WhatsApp group was formed. All the contacts that Pete had made from the moment he responded to God's calling for his life were then added to this group. George Khun and Peter Kurdziel do come to Peterborough and King's Lynn outreach as led by The Holy Ghost, but their main areas of focus is in Bourne, Melton Mowbray and Stamford.


Due to a house move, six months down the line, Pete providentially managed to add the city of King's Lynn onto his own weekly rota, paving the way for another potential town to witness to, under the umbrella of Street Evangelist UK. King's Lynn town was later added to the team's regular schedule in February 2022.


At this juncture, brother Johnny Basedeke who is originally from The Democratic Republic of Congo joined us as a full-time street evangelist. This was a huge leap of faith for a young man and God has confirmed his decision since we have been so blessed and excited by the growth and acceleration of our ministry. God has been expanding our outreach territories as another confirmation that we are doing the right thing. After Johnny joined us, Wisbech was also added to our regular weekly schedule. this was in May 2022. At about the same time Rinu Thomas and his Pastor who are originally from India joined hands with our group and started sharing the Gospel in Huntingdon, Cambridge, Stamford, Boston and Spalding. Brother Azmy Farag who is originally from Egypt also joined us in June 2022 and after experiencing our Outreach in other locations, he's now witnessing and doing outreach in the area of Swaffham.


Therefore, it was clear that although we're all from a different background and denominations, we could focus on the Gospel Message of our Lord Jesus Christ and remain united in The Holy Ghost. So God has brought this wonderful diverse mix of Christians together to form this team that now goes under the name of STREET EVANGELISTS UK.


We seek no earthly rewards but heavenly treasures and we also seek no glory for ourselves as individuals in this group. We do all this to Glorify God and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Holy Ghost.


Our group is of about forty members and we're aware that we've not mentioned all of them, but we are grateful to God for everyone of them. This includes many pastors and other brothers and sisters in Christ who regularly support and pray for us as a ministry. The story you're reading was narrated by brother Pete Unsworth who's the ''grandad'' of the group. Pete is fully involved in this ministry and despite his age and maturity in Christ, he remains humble to say these words, ''I am by no means the most experienced... but in full time involvement.'' 


If this story has inspired you to the point of wanting to do something about the spreading of the Gospel, feel free to get in touch with us, we would love to help you get started. Kindly send us a message with all the details at hand via the messaging box at the bottom of this page or you can email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


We would love to have you join us in this blessed ministry of street evangelism.


We thank God for He knows all that we do and we pray that He will make it all count for His Kingdom.


Every Blessing.


Narrated by Peter Unsworth

Elaborated by Johnny Basedeke

Peter Unsworth
Sister Hawa



Evans Owusu

Reading Teamleader

Jean De Dieu Basedeke
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Tony Hannington

Sheringham and areas

Team Leader


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Rinu Thomas

Huntingdon Team Leader


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Sara Howson


Team Leader


Dan McGroary

Bedford Team Leader


Sister Sheetal


Team Leader



We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.


We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.


We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.


We believe that it is by grace we have been saved through faith, and this not from ourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no-one can boast.


We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.


We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.


We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.


We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.



Our vision is to encourage believers from other parts of the UK, or even beyond, to form new evangelism teams to help further the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across every nation, starting within one's own local area.


Our mission is to provide support by giving advice, training and resources to those willing and ready to do the work of an evangelist on the streets.



Telephone Number:

+254 703 984 828

Email us:

If you'd like to start an outreach or for any other enquiries please leave us a message.

Thanks for submitting!

©2022 by Street Evangelists UK.

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